03:56duration 3 minutes 56 seconds
Case Study: Restoring mangroves in communal and…
Case Study: Restoring mangroves in communal and private land in Mexico
This video presents a case study on climate…
01:18duration 1 minute 18 seconds
Elements of EbA: EbA makes use of biodiversity…
Elements of EbA: EbA makes use of biodiversity and ecosystem services
This video is the second in a three-part series…
05:18duration 5 minutes 18 seconds
Nature’s solution to flooding: a case study…
Nature’s solution to flooding: a case study from Sri Lanka
This video is the second video of unit 2.1 of the…
08:09duration 8 minutes 9 seconds
The Saemaul Movement and Reforestation
Korea’s reforestation model is recognized…