From SDG Academy
| 3,748 3,748 playsGender inequality has its roots in differences between men and women in society. These result from social constructions of relations, which in turn stem from sexual… -
From SDG Academy
| 5,624 5,624 playsThis chapter looks at different dimensions of corporate social responsibility and stresses that the ethical responsibility of business must be a core component of… -
From SDG Academy
| 4,509 4,509 playsIn this chapter, William Vendley finds the points of consensus between religious traditions, and shows how religious communities are well-positioned in terms of both… -
From SDG Academy
| 4,000 4,000 playsThis chapter presents the origins of the SDGs, how they arose and why? The chapter conveys the core idea that clear goal-setting is essential for progress and examines… -
From SDG Academy
| 5,972 5,972 playsEducation is crucial for global development and for the success of sustainable development, but this chapter discusses the content of learning to be good citizens in a… -
From SDG Academy
| 1,591 1,591 playsThis chapter is an introduction to the course Globalization: Past and Future. Jeffrey Sachs provides an overview of the six major waves of globalization: the Great… -
From SDG Academy
| 2,644 2,644 playsIn this chapter, Professor Jeffrey Sachs gives an overview of health, education, and labor rights, tying each one to the overall goals of sustainable development. This… -
From SDG Academy
| 2,199 2,199 playsGood governance is a tenet of development, and when governments are corrupt, economic development and individual sense of well-being within the government's reach… -
From SDG Academy
| 2,668 2,668 playsSarah Bradshaw argues that if we want to change rates of violence, we have to change the way violence is understood and change attitudes about violence in society. In… -
From SDG Academy
| 1,115 1,115 playsIn this chapter, Grand-father T8aminik (Dominique) Rankin and Grand-mother Marie-Josée Tardif discuss ethics and the connections between people and the Earth in… -
From SDG Academy
| 307 307 playsJoin Professor Jeffrey Sachs and political and media analyst Norman Solomon as they discuss Solomon’s important new book, War Made Invisible: How America Hides the… -
From SDG Academy
| 1,549 1,549 playsThis chapter is the final chapter in the Sustainable Development: the Post Capital Order course, and looks at the ethics of sustainable development, looking at key… -
From SDG Academy
| 1,945 1,945 playsThis is a guest lecture by Prof. Glenn Denning, Columbia University, in the course "The Covid-19 Pandemic: Virology, Public Health, and Economics," taught by… -
From SDG Academy
| 885 885 playsThe sixth wave of globalization is the one expected to characterize the 21st century. In this chapter, Professor Sachs provides an overview of the Planetary Boundaries… -
From SDG Academy
| 965 965 playsToday’s most urgent problems are fundamentally global. They require nothing less than concerted, planet-wide action if we are to secure a long-term future. But… -
From SDG Academy
| 1,540 1,540 playsAn introduction to the course The Best Start in Life: Early Childhood Development for Sustainable Development. This course is about children in the context of the…