From SDG Academy
| 307 307 playsJoin Professor Jeffrey Sachs and political and media analyst Norman Solomon as they discuss Solomon’s important new book, War Made Invisible: How America Hides the… -
From SDG Academy
| 337 337 playsJoin Professor Jeffrey Sachs and economist David Daokui Li as they discuss Professor Li’s brilliant new book, China's World View: Demystifying China to… -
From SDG Academy
| 242 242 playsThis chapter focuses on peace around the world as a peans of obtaining sustainable development, looking at the risk of nuclear war, current conflicts, and the cost of… -
From SDG Academy
| 154 154 playsThis chapter explores challenges for peace and security efforts posed by both natural climate fluctuations and climate change in the long run. It considers ways that… -
From SDG Academy
| 133 133 playsThis chapter provides the conceptual framework of the various ways that natural resources, environment, conflict, and peace are connected across the conflict lifecycle.… -
From SDG Academy
| 56 56 playsIn this chapter, Sharif Azami discusses barriers to lasting peace, explaining how the framework around peacebuilding is built on an international level and its barriers,… -
From SDG Academy
| 183 183 playsJoin Professor Jeffrey Sachs and retired Air Force Command Chief Master Sergeant Dennis Fritz, a former Pentagon insider, as they explore the extremely important… -
From SDG Academy
| 178 178 playsJoin Professor Jeffrey Sachs and political scientist Lindsey O’Rourke as they discuss O’Rourke’s remarkable book, Covert Regime Change. US foreign… -
From SDG Academy
| 125 125 playsThis chapter examines the evolution of understanding on the linkages between environment, conflict, and peace from World War II through to the present. It highlights… -
From SDG Academy
| 139 139 playsWhile acknowledging that there were a variety of factors that led to the outbreak and conduct of Cote d’Ivoire’s two civil wars, this chapter specifically… -
From SDG Academy
| 163 163 playsJoin Professor Jeffrey Sachs and political scientist Glenn Diesen as they discuss Professor Diesen’s new book, The Ukraine War & the Eurasian World Order.… -
From SDG Academy
| 104 104 playsThis case study delves into the environmental dimensions of the causes, conduct, peacemaking, and post-conflict peacebuilding of Colombia’s civil war. There are… -
From SDG Academy
| 108 108 playsJoin Professor Jeffrey Sachs in his conversation with authors James and Tom Risen on their important, new book The Last Honest Man, a gripping biography of Idaho… -
From SDG Academy
| 63 63 playsConflicts impact livelihoods in diverse ways, which can manifest in coping, survival, maladaptation, and the degradation of natural resources. Understanding the base for… -
From SDG Academy
| 73 73 playsThis case study focuses on international cooperation between Israel and Jordan around shared water in the Jordan River. It demonstrates the importance of water resources… -
From SDG Academy
| 43 43 playsWhat are the roles of natural resources and other environmental factors in driving or escalating violent conflict? This chapter profiles resource scarcity, environmental…