03:16duration 3 minutes 16 seconds
Corporate Investment Strategies for Sustainable…
Corporate Investment Strategies for Sustainable Development
Traditionally, asset owners divide their capital…
09:16duration 9 minutes 16 seconds
Food governance
The chapter focuses on what institutions govern…
17:25duration 17 minutes 25 seconds
Corporate Social Responsibility in the Water…
Corporate Social Responsibility in the Water Sector (STWI)
In this case study, Emilio Guzman shares some…
11:10duration 11 minutes 10 seconds
The Role of Business in the SDGs
In this chapter, Professor Sachs discusses the…
12:11duration 12 minutes 11 seconds
Global Value Chains
15:16duration 15 minutes 16 seconds
Structures of Power and Decision-making
This chapter discusses the multiple stakeholders…
02:23duration 2 minutes 23 seconds
Planetary Boundaries and Human Opportunities…
Planetary Boundaries and Human Opportunities – Trailer
A thriving global society relies on the stability…