18:01duration 18 minutes 1 second
Case Study: Channeling Microfinance Through a…
Case Study: Channeling Microfinance Through a Commercial Bank: Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL)
In 1995, Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL)…
21:09duration 21 minutes 9 seconds
Case Study: An Interest-Free Microfinance…
Case Study: An Interest-Free Microfinance Institution - Akhuwat Pakistan
Akhuwat was founded in 2001 with the vision of…
05:18duration 5 minutes 18 seconds
Nature’s solution to flooding: a case study…
Nature’s solution to flooding: a case study from Sri Lanka
This video is the second video of unit 2.1 of the…
04:40duration 4 minutes 40 seconds
Case study: Indus River Basin: Transboundary…
Case study: Indus River Basin: Transboundary Water Security and Climate Change
This case study on the Indus River basin…
21:22duration 21 minutes 22 seconds
South Asia: The Continuing Challenge of the Food…
South Asia: The Continuing Challenge of the Food Supply
In this lecture, Professor Sachs uses…