Search for tag: "zoonotic"

Global economic recovery from the pandemic: II

This is the eleventh lecture in the course…

+8 More
From  SDG Academy 48 plays

Global economic recovery from the pandemic:

This is the tenth lecture in the course "The…

+7 More
From  SDG Academy 54 plays

The institutional and organizational role of the WHO and global controversies

This is the ninth lecture in the course "The…

+7 More
From  SDG Academy 43 plays

Vaccine development: intellectual property as public goods, the role of patents, the role of public financing

This is the eighth lecture in the course…

+9 More
From  SDG Academy 36 plays

Covid-19 Impacts on and Implications for the Global Food System

This is a guest lecture by Prof. Glenn Denning,…

+8 More
From  SDG Academy 1,999 plays

Comparative performance in epidemic control: a global perspective on the course of the epidemic in different countries and regions

This is the sixth lecture in the course "The…

+7 More
From  SDG Academy 49 plays

NPI strategies of epidemic control: quarantine, testing, lockdowns, physical distancing, etc.

This is the fifth lecture in the course "The…

+7 More
From  SDG Academy 62 plays

The epidemiology of Covid-19: basic reproduction number, incubation period, infection fatality rate, etc

This is the fourth lecture in the course…

+7 More
From  SDG Academy 56 plays

The virology of Covid-19: zoonotic disease, pathophysiology, relation to SARS, Ebola, MERs, and other coronaviruses

This is the third lecture in the course "The…

+5 More
From  SDG Academy 82 plays

Modelling epidemics, the S-E-I-R model, epidemic dynamics, etc.

This is the second lecture in the course…

From  SDG Academy 138 plays


This video addresses zoonoses, the natural spread…

From  SDG Academy 44 plays