Search for tag: "taxes"

Islamic Social Finance and Humanitarian Assistance

Islamic social finance refers to the provision of…

+6 More
From  SDG Academy 0 plays

Islamic Social Finance Instruments: Zakat

Zakat, most broadly, is a type of almsgiving…

+8 More
From  SDG Academy 1 plays

Integration of Waqf into Innovative Financial Products

There are some contemporary innovative financial…

+10 More
From  SDG Academy 6 plays

Implementing SDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

SDG 16 seeks to promote peaceful and inclusive…

+7 More
From  SDG Academy 20 plays

Introducing SDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

SDG 16 seeks to promote peaceful and inclusive…

From  SDG Academy 56 plays

The Saemaul Movement and Cooperatives

Role of Cooperatives in the Saemaul Movement.…

+7 More
From  SDG Academy 4 plays

Education for All: Expansion of Opportunity

How are opportunities expanded through education?…

+8 More
From  SDG Academy 22 plays

Taxation and Inequality

In the seventh video of Roberto Mangabeira…

+9 More
From  SDG Academy 54 plays

Finance and the Real Economy

In the sixth video of Roberto Mangabeira…

+12 More
From  SDG Academy 96 plays

Urban Public Finance and Taxation

This video is part of Module 2: What makes a city…

From  SDG Academy 12 plays

Taming Corporate Greed: Company Law, Unions, Co-Determination

This chapter looks at the nature of the…

+6 More
From  SDG Academy 25 plays

Resource-for-Infrastructure Deals

In this chapter, Havard Halland asks what a…

From  SDG Academy 23 plays

Fiscal Instruments II: Contract-based Systems

In this chapter, Matthew Genasci discusses…

From  SDG Academy 40 plays

Resource Economics and Fiscal Regime Principles

This chapter profiles key concepts and challenges…

From  SDG Academy 32 plays

Fiscal Instruments I: Royalty Tax Systems

The three categories of royalty tax regime…

From  SDG Academy 22 plays

The decision chain of natural resource management: Part I

Discovery of natural resources is difficult; this…

From  SDG Academy 98 plays