01:02:11duration 1 hour 2 minutes
Q&A | Hiro Yoshikawa | 2017 Apr. 14
Hiro Yoshikawa answers questions related to The…
10:17duration 10 minutes 17 seconds
Religion and Peacebuilding
"Religion--the sacred the notion of a deep…
11:13duration 11 minutes 13 seconds
Towards a New Virtue Ethics for Sustainable…
Towards a New Virtue Ethics for Sustainable Development
I think it's important that the the…
11:01duration 11 minutes 1 second
The Ethics of Migration and Refugees
This chapter discusses the complexities…
08:45duration 8 minutes 45 seconds
Spirituality and the Common Good
This chapter discusses spirituality as a basis…
12:03duration 12 minutes 3 seconds
Virtue Ethics as a Multi-Religious Consensus
In this chapter, William Vendley finds the points…
02:59duration 2 minutes 59 seconds
Ethics in Action - Trailer
What do the world's great religious and…