03:00duration 3 minutes 0 seconds
Pillar II - Governance and Leadership
The first pillar of the Islamic development…
02:44duration 2 minutes 44 seconds
Mitigating Risk and Vulnerabilities
Low-income people are vulnerable to risks as…
03:24duration 3 minutes 24 seconds
Interview with Miguel Clüsener-Godt, UNESCO
This video is the third video of unit 2.2 of the…
15:53duration 15 minutes 53 seconds
Natural resources: opportunities and risks
This chapter serves as an introduction to the…
10:16duration 10 minutes 16 seconds
The Quadruple Squeeze
The planetary squeeze, or the driving forces that…
12:51duration 12 minutes 51 seconds
The Downsides of Digital
In this video, Professor Jeffrey Sachs explores…
04:54duration 4 minutes 54 seconds
Coastal Hazards
Coastal systems are exposed to natural hazards…