25:02duration 25 minutes 2 seconds
Implosion Points, Demographic Change, Changing…
Implosion Points, Demographic Change, Changing Nature and Locations of Jobs and Incomes
In this chapter Jeffrey Sachs will talk about…
02:36:38duration 2 hours 36 minutes
Where Next? Reimagining Further Education for the…
Where Next? Reimagining Further Education for the Future
On July 8, 2020, the Higher Education…
38:28duration 38 minutes 28 seconds
Q&A | Frank Qiankun Wang | 2019 Mar. 18
In this Q&A from the Climate Action MOOC, Dr.…
11:52duration 11 minutes 52 seconds
Getting to Know the SDGs
An introduction to the course Transforming Our…
05:42duration 5 minutes 42 seconds
ICT Innovation for Statistical Development
This video reviews some of the most important…