Search for tag: "circular economy"

Reducing recycling contamination

The following video features the Waste and…

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From  SDG Academy 9 plays

Competitiveness through Circular Economy: the Enel Experience with Luca Meini

Siena International School of Sustainable…

From  SDG Academy 18 plays

From Waste to Wealth

Webinar 6 Siena International School of…

+1 More
From  SDG Academy 1,098 plays

Theoretical Foundations to Understand How Food Value Chains Can Contribute to Regional and Local Development

This chapter discusses how the value chain can…

From  SDG Academy 21 plays

Cities as Loci of Production and Consumption

This video is part of Module 4: How can we make…

From  SDG Academy 60 plays

Environmental Impact Assessments and Environmental Due Diligence

Saleem Ali provides an overview of the…

From  SDG Academy 164 plays

Clean Energy and Industry

This chapter addresses clean energy and industry…

+8 More
From  SDG Academy 164 plays

Environmental Perils Facing the Planet

This chapter introduces the concept of the…

+10 More
From  SDG Academy 55 plays

Introduction to the SDGs and Cities

An introduction to the course Cities and the…

From  SDG Academy 154 plays