03:28duration 3 minutes 28 seconds
Impact Value Chain
Impact value chain also referred to as the theory…
06:37duration 6 minutes 37 seconds
Islamic Social Finance Instruments - Waqf
Waqf is a religious endowment or trust, or in…
07:28duration 7 minutes 28 seconds
Korean Contribution to Development Cooperation…
Korean Contribution to Development Cooperation Looking Forward
Korea has gone from being a recipient country of…
12:32duration 12 minutes 32 seconds
Inquiry and Moral Reasoning
The main reason why we destroy nature is so that…
01:37duration 1 minute 37 seconds
What is structural change? What is economic…
What is structural change? What is economic transformation?
John Page gives us a quick introduction to key…
06:57duration 6 minutes 57 seconds
Social Policies to Combat Social Exclusion
This chapter uses two examples to give further…
06:38duration 6 minutes 38 seconds
Conceptualizations of Violence and Legal…
Conceptualizations of Violence and Legal Frameworks
1 in 3 women will suffer from or feel threatened…
06:04duration 6 minutes 4 seconds
Social Communication for Social Change
Sarah Bradshaw argues that if we want to change…