Search for tag: "carbon dioxide"

Key takeaways: From Theory to Practice: Implementing EbA

This video highlights the main takeaways about…

From  SDG Academy 4 plays

Towards COP21

This chapter discusses the path towards COP21 in…

+9 More
From  SDG Academy 20 plays

What is Fair?

This chapter discusses fairness, which…

+8 More
From  SDG Academy 14 plays

Key Technology Areas for RDD&D

This chapter discusses some of the key…

From  SDG Academy 10 plays

Why Countries Need Deep Decarbonization Pathways to 2050 (1)

This chapter looks at some of the results of the…

From  SDG Academy 32 plays

Carbon Capture and Sequestration

This chapter is about carbon capture and…

+10 More
From  SDG Academy 14 plays

The 3 Pillars of the Deep Decarbonization of Energy Systems

How can we achieve deep decarbonization while…

From  SDG Academy 174 plays

What is the Global Carbon Budget for the 2-degree Limit?

The greenhouse gas concentration that is…

From  SDG Academy 18 plays

The Business as Usual Trajectory

This chapter discusses the objective of limiting…

+9 More
From  SDG Academy 32 plays

The History of Climate Change Science

Although some people say climate change science…

From  SDG Academy 80 plays

From Kyoto to Copenhagen

This chapter discusses the path from COP3 in…

From  SDG Academy 22 plays

The Carbon Budget, Part I

This chapter explains the concept of the carbon…

From  SDG Academy 80 plays

Sub-Seafloor CO2 Storage

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a concept in…

From  SDG Academy 97 plays