This video demonstrates how to use the IBM Support forums. IBM Support is the home of the Support forums. You can participate in the forums by selecting the Forums menu option. You can participate in the forums by selecting the Forums menu option. From the Support Forums page, you can view the forum questions. You can change the sort order to display the Most popular, Newest or the Most liked posts. filter the displayed questions... Start by searching the forum for an answer to your question. Use the Search field to filter the list of questions by product or select a tag from the tags list. To like or share a post or provide an answer to questions within the forum you must first sign in. You can bookmark a post, add or update the tagged topics for a post, or flag inappropriate posts. If you have a question, ask it here! Click Ask a question, select a product, enter your question, and click Submit. After the community provides answers, you can like or reply to the answer. Be sure to click Select As Best to highlight the best answer. Help is always available to you. We invite you to explore the new site and send us your feedback. IBM reviews all client feedback. Thank you for taking the time to watch this video.
Policy Responses: Savings, Spending, Public Debt, and Earmarking
From SDG Academy 20 August, 2019
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In this chapter, Dr. Mohammed Amin Adam discusses policy responses to the challenges of extractive resources revenues. He outlines policy responses to address the issues that arise, including optimal size of spending versus saving, spending on current generations versus future generations, and addressing the effects of revenue volatility and the Dutch disease by ensuring macroeconomic stability. These can be addressed using fiscal rules, which he discusses in great detail and for each gives advantages and disadvantages, and country examples support these. He also examine debt rules and gives examples. Developing countries also must practice effective planning to manage their investments to address corruption and other vices and avoid earmarking of funds.
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